
Evolution 1

This piece of wood was found washed up on a local beach fashioned by many years of a previous journey, probably came from North America. The cycle of growth, uselessness and regeneration is a main priority in the work.
Working with nature but not overpowering it, this piece has an interior and exterior space. Primitive mark making forms are signified on the exterior which link with imagery found on Babylonian and Egyptian burial sites. There are also connections drawn from the Aboriginal, African and Masai people. The symbols used include ; the sun, ankh, leaf, ship (carries sun), sea and saint cross. The form itself resembles a giant head and the landscape of mother earth. All the elements reflect substance; a rock, the feminine, something welcoming, and suggest an antidote to anxiety and tension.


  • Medium: Wood and Acrylic
  • Dimensions: 100cm x 80cm

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Aesthetics is for the artist like ornithology is for the birds.

Barnett Newman